In this academic year there were three meetings of the Philosophy Symposium, organised and chaired by Dr Teichmann. At each meeting there were fifteen to twenty people present, the great majority of them St Hilda’s students, many of whom signed up also for the dinner afterwards where conversation with the speaker typically carries on.
Michaelmas 2023: on 13 November the speaker was Dr Alex Geddes (St Hilda’s), his title being ‘Identity and Mental Preservation’. The meeting took place in the Lady Brodie Room.
Hilary 2024: on 29 February the speaker was Dr Richard Gipps (Blackfriars), his title being ‘Soul’. The meeting took place in the Rooftop Suite.
Trinity 2024: on 20 May the speaker was Dr Jeremy Fix (Keble), his title being ‘The Morality in Intimacy’. The meeting took place in the Rooftop Suite.
All the meetings were a great success, and several students conveyed their enthusiastic responses.
Roger Teichmann