St Hilda's College gardens enjoy a beautiful setting along the River Cherwell, looking west towards the Oxford Botanic Gardens and the historic city of Oxford. The garden features a detailed perennial tapestry with majestic old trees and a wildflower meadow.

We are continually transforming our site and embedding the buildings, old and new, in the distinctive green space of our riverside setting.

We aim to have one of the most attractive and ecologically diverse of all College gardens, for the enjoyment of all students, staff and visitors.

Our gardens in the Oxford landscape

St Hilda's College sits on the eastern edge of the collegiate city of Oxford, sited between the city centre and the vibrant life and culture of Cowley Road.

Our close neighbours, Magdalen College and Merton College, both have extensive gardens. We overlook the world-famous landscape of Christ Church meadow and the historic Oxford Botanic Garden.

The River Cherwell provides the College with a unique quality of reflected light and vibrant wildlife, and our gardens enjoy spectacular views across the neighbouring countryside to the city.

Find out more about...


History of the Gardens

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Developing Gardens

Developing our gardens

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Radley Large Wood

Radley Large Wood


Garden ecology

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Make a gift to the Garden Fund

Our Garden Fund is used to help develop the gardens in line with the vision of St Hilda's Gardens Committee, which is endorsed by the College's Governing Body.

It allows us to go beyond the general upkeep of the gardens, which is funded by the College.

The Garden Fund is used for small projects, such as the formation of new borders, the realignment of paths and the creation of seating areas.

It is also used to enhance the garden experience, for example by providing high-quality garden benches or through sustainable and ecologically friendly initiatives such as using battery-powered cylinder mowers and the placement of bat and bird boxes and insect hotels.

Please help us to develop our gardens and increase our biodiverse ecology. 

Make a gift to the Gardens Fund

For more information, please contact the Development Director

Coming soon

Garden tours

Our self-guided garden walks are coming soon. We will provide maps showing paths and routes that you can follow. They will include information about key garden features, notable trees and our plants and shrubs.

In the meantime, take a YouTube tour of the St Hilda's gardens with our Horticulture Consultant, Walter Sawyer.