In 1893, Dorothea Beale, Principal of Cheltenham Ladies’ College, founded St Hilda’s Hall. It was recognised in 1896 by the Association for Promoting the Higher Education of Women as a women’s Hall. With the granting of its Royal Charter in 1926, it became St Hilda’s College.
The last of the women’s colleges to be established in Oxford, we were also the last to go mixed when in 2008 male students were admitted for the first time after a decision by St Hilda’s Governing Body to open the College to men as both students and fellows.
To honour our history, we decided following a vote across the College community that Senior Members (students after they have graduated) should still be referred to in the plural as Alumnae, the feminine form, although strictly speaking many are Alumni.
We now have almost equal numbers of men and women at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.
Today, we remain true to our pioneering roots as we continue to strive for equality as well as excellence.
St Hilda's College
A Concise History
Read more about the history of St Hilda's College in our 43 page online book.