We offer many funding opportunities for graduates, including grants and bursaries, and we encourage you to apply.
All subjects: for 2025 entry
Raymond-Sisam Graduate Scholarship
This scholarship is aimed at students normally resident in New Zealand, studying for a graduate course in any subject. The successful applicant will receive £6,000 per annum for the duration of their course fee liability. The scholarship is available for students starting their course in October 2025. Applicants should apply through the university admissions process in the normal way by the January deadline, then email St Hilda's asking to be considered for this scholarship. Selection for the Raymond-Sisam Graduate Scholarship will be made on the basis of academic excellence. This scholarship is open to new graduate students commencing graduate study at Oxford in October 2025. Before awarding any Scholarship, the College must be satisfied that sufficient funding is available to cover course fees. The College reviews applications in April and notifies applicants during the first week of May.
Humanities: for 2025 entry
Kojo Minta Scholarship
This scholarship is aimed at students studying for a graduate taught course in a Humanities subject. The successful applicant will receive £3,500 per annum for the duration of their course fee liability. We have one scholarship available for students starting their course in October 2025. Applicants should apply through the university admissions process in the normal way by the January deadline, then email St Hilda's asking to be considered for this scholarship. Selection for the Kojo Minta Humanities Studentship will be made on the basis of academic excellence. This scholarship is open to new graduate students commencing graduate study at Oxford in October 2025. Before awarding any Scholarship, the College must be satisfied that sufficient funding is available to cover course fees. The College reviews applications in April and notifies applicants during the first week of May.
Neuroscience: for 2025 entry
Dr Jane Mellanby Graduate Studentship
This studentship is for students studying for a graduate taught course in Neuroscience. The successful applicants will receive full course funding at the Home fee rate, plus a grant for living expenses at the UK Research Council rate for the duration of their course fee liability. We have up to three studentships available for students starting their course in October 2025. Applicants should apply through the university admissions process in the normal way by the January deadline, then email St Hilda's asking to be considered for this scholarship. The studentship is open to new graduate students commencing graduate study at Oxford in October 2025 and selection will be made on the basis of academic excellence. The College reviews applications in April and notifies applicants during the first week of May.
St Hilda's College Linked University Awards (Fully Funded UK/ROI or EU/Overseas Awards)
There is no separate application form for the Black Academic Futures, Clarendon Awards or Palestine Crisis Scholarship. All you need to do to be considered is apply for a graduate course starting in October 2025, by the deadlines in January 2025 (as appropriate for the subject, see the application guide on the University website for further information). Details about how to state your College preference are also given in the application guide.
Philosophy: for 2025 entry
Joyce Mitchell Cook Black Academic Futures Graduate Studentship
This three-year scholarship is aimed at students studying for a graduate degree in Philosophy and covers course fees plus a generous grant for living expenses. Dr Joyce Mitchell Cook was a St Hilda’s alumna and the first Black American woman to receive a PhD in Philosophy in the USA. The College's generous alumnae have raised funds to support this studentship in her name. The Joyce Mitchell Cook Black Academic Futures Graduate Studentship is available for October 2025 entry.
Social Sciences: for 2025 entry
St Hilda's Clarendon Award
This three-year scholarship is aimed at students studying for a DPhil in a Social Sciences subject, preference for Law or Politics, and covers course fees plus a generous grant for living expenses. The St Hilda's Social Sciences Clarendon Scholarship is available for October 2025 entry.
Humanities: for 2025 entry
Beale/Mabbs Scholarship Clarendon Award
This three-year scholarship is aimed at students studying for a DPhil in a Humanities subject and covers course fees plus a generous grant for living expenses. The Beale/Mabbs Scholarship is available for October 2025 entry.
Sciences: for 2025 entry
The Oxford-Mary Frances Wagley Graduate Scholarship, awarded in partnership with the Clarendon Fund
This three/four-year scholarship is aimed at students studying for a DPhil in a science (preferably natural science) subject and covers course fees plus a generous grant for living expenses. The Oxford-Mary Frances Wagley Graduate Scholarship, awarded in partnership with the Clarendon Fund, is available for October 2025 entry.
aLL SUBJECTS: for 2025 entry
The Palestine Crisis Scholarship
This scheme provides access to higher education to students displaced by the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the West Bank through the provision of full graduate scholarships to study at Oxford. You will need to tick the box on the University application form to indicate that you have a displacement background and will then be invited to apply. The Scholarship covers course fees, a grant for living costs, as well as additional support towards arrival costs. The Palestine Crisis Scholarship is available for October 2025 entry.
Applications through departments
English: Fully funded award (UK level of funding) for 2025 entry
Griffiths Memorial Scholarship
St Hilda’s is associated with the Jeremy Griffiths Memorial Studentship. This studentship, which is restricted to Home Students, assists one year of graduate study on either the MSt in English (650-1550), or the MPhil in English Studies (Medieval Period). The studentship includes the following: course fees (at the UK rate), a maintenance grant, and free accommodation in College. To be considered for the Jeremy Griffiths Memorial Studentship you must apply through the university admissions process by the January deadline. Find out how to apply for the Griffiths Memorial Scholarship.
Other funds available to applicants to St Hilda's College
Indian Students
The Oxford and Cambridge Society of India
A scholarship of Rs. 1,00,000 to any Indian student who has secured admission at St Hilda's College. The scholarship is donated by Ritika Dhamija (St Hilda's, Physics, 2003) and is available every year. Interviews for this scholarship take place around July every year, the exact dates being reflected on the website.
.Application Forms for the Scholarship are available online.
Law or Politics: (not available for 2025 entry)
St Hilda's Social Sciences Graduate Studentship
This scholarship is aimed at students studying for a graduate course in either Law or Politics. The successful applicant receives £6,000 per annum for the duration of their course fee liability. We had up to two scholarships available for students starting their course in October 2023. There is no separate application procedure. Applicants applied through the university admissions process in the normal way, naming St Hilda's as their preferred College, by the January deadline. Selection for the St Hilda's Social Sciences Graduate Studentship was made on the basis of academic excellence.