St Hilda's College

Time zone form - Undergraduate applications

If you are an international student, or you are a UK student who is going to be out of the country during the interview window for your subject, please let us know where you are going to be. This will help us schedule interview(s) for you an appropriate time of the day. Please complete this form by 23:59 GMT (UK time) on Sunday 10 November 2024.

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Please don't include dashes or spaces.
Please use the same email address that you entered on your UCAS form.
e.g. History and Economics
Which country will you be in during the interview window for your subject?(Required)
Dates for the interview window for each subject are given here:
Please provide the answer in the format +or- x hours e.g. the United Kingdom is 5 hours ahead of New York, USA so you would record -5. The United Kingdom is 7 hours behind Singapore, so you would write +7.