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Dr Victoria Elliott

BA MPhil Camb, MSc DPhil Oxf, PGCE Leeds


Dr Victoria (Velda) Elliott previously lectured at the Universities of York and Warwick, and taught at state schools in the North of England. She is an external subject expert for Ofqual.

Dr Elliott researches in the fields of English in Education and Educational Assessment. Within the field of English, her work considers both what it means to be 'good' at English and what English, media and drama education are 'good for'. Some of her work considers the ways in which English education relates to political priorities and desires. She is particularly interested in the ways in which students and teachers engage with the subject of English, in its broadest sense. She also has an interest in teacher development, in terms of English teacher identity, learning to assess, subject knowledge development, and classroom interactions. She contributes regularly to professional publications such as the National Association of Teaching English's Classroom magazine.

In 2015, Dr Elliott, received funding from the Educational Endowment Foundation for a review of the evidence on written marking as a guide for schools and research aid.

In assessment in education Dr Elliott is interested in the way in which markers, especially examiners, make decisions, and the values and identities they espouse in doing so. Her doctoral work focussed on the cognitive process of examiners of A level History and English, and was funded by an ESRC studentship. Related to this topic is an interest in e-assessment and future technologies, and their applicability to assessment.

Elliott, V.(2014). The treasure house of a nation? Literary heritage, curriculum and devolution in Scotland and England in the 21st century. The Curriculum Journal 25 (2), pp.282-300.

Ingram, J. and Elliott, V.(2014). Turn taking and 'wait time' in classroom interactions. Journal of Pragmatics 62, pp.1-12

Baldry, F., Ingram, J., Pitt, A.&Elliott, V. (2014). Hidden variation in school performance tables: the difficulties in identifying mathematics departments that are effective for disadvantaged students. In Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics 34 (1).

Elliott, V.(2013). Empathetic projections and affect reactions in examiners of 'A' level English and History. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice 20(3), pp.266-280.

Baird, J.-A., Ahmed, A.,Hopfenbeck, T., Brown, C.,&Elliott, V.(2013). Research Evidence relating to proposals for reform of the GCSE:OUCEA Report. Oxford University Centre for Educational Assessment.


  • Fellow in Literacy Education
  • Associate Professor of English and Literacy Education, Department of Education


  • Education
