Pavilion sunset
St Hilda's College
Our people

Dr Neil Dawson

MB ChB Edin, MA Bedfordshire


I have been a Non-Stipendiary Lecturer in Clinical Medicine at St Hilda’s College since October 2020.

I am an Emergency Medicine Consultant working in the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford and the Horton Hospital, Banbury.

I am the Director for the Orthopaedics, Rheumatology, Trauma and Emergency Medicine (ORTEM) Year 5 Medical School rotation. I also run a Special Study Module in Emergency Medicine in Year 6.

I provide Clinical Medicine tutorials to St Hilda’s students in Years 4, 5 and 6.

I am involved in patient recruitment in ongoing local and multi-centre research projects in Emergency medicine.  I support  students and trainees in audits, quality improvement projects and research articles.

Dawson N, Dewar A, Gray A, Leal A. Association between ASA grade and complication rate in patients receiving procedural sedation for relocation of dislocated hip prostheses in a UK emergency “Prescription of Analgesia in Emergency Medicine” Emergency Medicine Journal. 2014; 31 Vol. 3:207-209.


  • Lecturer in Clinical Medicine


  • Clinical Medicine
