Professor Green read English and French at Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle. She has taught at University College, Swansea (as Lecturer in French) and at Goldsmiths, University of London (as Lecturer, then Reader in French, and then as Professor of French and Comparative Literature). She is co-director of the Centre for Comparative Literature at Goldsmiths, University of London.
Professor Green has research interests in C17 French comedy, notably Molière’s comédies-ballets, as well as early modern French and European festivals. More recently her research and publications have concentrated on the concepts of the dual royal body, the presentation of the self and bodily performance. She is currently working on a companion piece to her monograph on Louis XIII, provisionally entitled Montrer la reine: Anne d’Autriche, une infante sur le trône de France.
Faire le roi. L’autre corps de Louis XIII (Fayard, 2018)
‘Ces gens-là se trémoussent bien...’. Ébats et débats dans la comédie-ballet de Molière (Gunter Narr, 2007)
La Comédie (Hachette, 1993)
La Politique-spectacle au XVIIe siècle, les rapports franco-anglais (Biblio 17, 1993).
Edited works
Raymond Poisson, Œuvres complètes (Garnier, 2022). In collaboration with Suzanne Jones and Naomi Matsumoto.
Le Carnaval de Venise, in Théâtre complet de J.F. Regnard (Garnier, 2015).
Ballets burlesques pour Louis XIII. Danse et jeux de transgression (1610-1643) (SLC, 2012). In collaboration with Claudine Nédelec.
Ballets pour Louis XIII. Danse et politique à la cour de France (1610-1643) (SLC, 2010).
Le Divertissement de Chambord (Monsieur de Pourceaugnac). Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme, in Jean-Baptiste Lully. Œuvres complètes. In collaboration with Philippe Hourcade, Jérôme de La Gorce and Herbert Schneider (Georg Olms, 2006).
She has also published numerous articles, contributed to Le Théâtre en France des origines à nos jours, ed. by A. Viala (P.U.F., 1997) and Molière in Context, ed. Jan Clarke (C.U.P., Oct. 2022), and edited several volumes of collected essays, including
The Wedding of Charles and Henrietta Maria. Celebration and Controversy (1615) (with Sara Wolfson) (Brepols, 2020).
Writing Royal Entries in Early Modern Europe (with Jean Andrews) (Brepols, 2013).
- Lecturer in French
- French
- Modern Languages