Fernando joined St Hilda’s in 2015 as Lecturer in Medicine, he teaches Neuroscience to biomedical and medical students. His research is focused on the neural correlates of sensory perception in mammals particularly in the auditory domain. His most recent interest is the study of experience-dependent neural plasticity in response to temporal sensory deprivation during adulthood.
Persistence and generalization of adaptive changes in auditory localization behavior following unilateral conductive hearing loss.
Tinnitus: at a crossroad between phantom perception and sleep
When and How Does the Auditory Cortex Influence Subcortical Auditory Structures? New Insights About the Roles of Descending Cortical Projections.
Silencing cortical activity during sound-localization training impairs auditory perceptual learning.
A Role for Auditory Corticothalamic Feedback in the Perception of Complex Sounds.
Auditory Gap-in-Noise Detection Behavior in Ferrets and Humans.- Gold JR. et al, (2015), Behav Neurosci
Cortico-cortical connectivity within ferret auditory cortex.- Bizley JK. et al, (2015), J Comp Neurol
The cholinergic basal forebrain in the ferret and its inputs to the auditory cortex.- Bajo VM. et al, (2014), Eur J Neurosci, 40, 2922 - 2940
Hearing and Auditory Function in Ferrets- Nodal FR. and King AJ., (2014), Biology and Diseases of the Ferret: Third Edition, 685 - 710
Behavioural sensitivity to binaural spatial cues in ferrets: evidence for plasticity in the duplex theory of sound localization.
Since 2000, Dr Nodal has been a member of the Auditory Neuroscience group supported by Welcome Trust where he continues to study different aspects of the auditory perception by combining behaviour, electrophysiology and anatomy. One of his main interests is studying the neural basis of plasticity exhibited by the auditory system using a model of unilateral conductive hearing loss, which enables a stable perception to be maintained in ever-changing situations.
At present, he is investigating how the behavioural relevance of sensory stimuli as distinct from their physical properties affects their representation at the neural level. With this aim he is recording neural responses in the auditory cortex of trained animals while they perform a discrimination paradigm with different combinations of auditory and visual stimuli.
- Lecturer in Medicine
- Senior Research Scientist and Departmental Lecturer at the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics
- Pre-Clinical Medicine